Thursday, August 16, 2012

                               terrOr bLAdE--crYstAL mAideN--dOOm bRingEr-aNd rAsTa ..

                          iNvOkEr aNd hEr skILLs aND itEms ..

Monday, August 13, 2012


                                      nO OnE can brEak thIs tEam shOhOkO ..

                                          sAkOrAge And mEyAgE ...

                                                   spin move Of nAsh ..

                                              team shOhokO ..

                                                    nO OnE cAn brEak Of lupE ..

                                                         aLL herO Of wArcrAfT
                                                           sEntinEL vS scOurgE ..

                   this is my favorite game of computer ..

                        frOm rOndO sAys wEr ArE yOu ,,???

                        wAt a nicE mOvE Of rondO numbeR 9 ..

     jerseys t-shirt is a awesome ..

                ALPHA KAPPA RHO is the bEsT ,,,